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Tips For Improving Your eBay Business

Title: Tips For Improving Your eBay Business
Author: Tony Scorch

Is your Ebay business not performing as well as you had hoped?
Are you having auctions that do not sell? Maybe the auction is
not getting noticed as well as it could. There are some simple
tips you can use to improve your Ebay business.

Title of the auction.

The title of your ebay auction is what draws a potential
customer to click on your ad. If the title does not catch their
eye they will move on to the next ad. If you are selling a baby
outfit you might put a title like `Girls Baby Outfit'. This
title does not tell you what size the outfit is, or if the
outfit is for summer or winter. A customer would probably skip
this ad over and go for one with more information. A better
title would be something like this `Adorable Baby Girl Summer
Outfit size 6 months'. This catches the eye with adorable and
gives the information a customer would need. It gives the size
and tells the outfit is for the Summer. A customer would know if
this is something they are looking for by the title. The title
will bring the customer in to look at the item your Ebay
business is offering.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures.

We have all heard the phrase a picture can say a hundred words.
This is very important for your Ebay business. A customer is ten
times more likely to click on an ad that has a picture. While
you can describe the item terrifically a picture can seal the
deal. A picture lets the customer know exactly what to expect
with the item. You will want good clear pictures of the items
you are selling. This can be a huge improvement to your Ebay
business. Simply adding a picture or two of each item you have
listed can increase the number of sales you have. If an item has
a defect like a stain or hole take a picture of it. This will
save you from problems with an unhappy customer later. Take
pictures of all angles. Most people want to see an item before
they buy it. No matter how good your ad sounds if a person can
not see the item they will most likely pass it up. Adding
pictures is a simple improvement for your Ebay business.

The description.

The description is the next thing a customer will see when
looking at your auction listing. The description will need to be
very accurate to keep good feedback for your Ebay business. If
you do not list any problems there are with an item you can be
sure the customer will when they leave your business negative
feedback. They will also never return to buy from you again. The
ad needs to be clear and concise. If the item you have for sale
is clothing you need to tell what size it is. Is the item new or
used? Sometimes people want to know if the item came from a
house that had pets, or a smoker due to allergies. The customer
will want to know how much the shipping will be for the item you
are selling. They want to know how long they have to pay if they
win the auction, and what methods of payment you accept. The
customer will want to know how long after payment will you ship
the item. These are all great bits of information to include in
the description.

Improving your Ebay business does not have to be hard. Just
follow these simple tips and your Ebay business will be booming.

About The Author: Tony Scorch is a contributing editor to Do it
Yourself Manufacturing which is a research site for people
looking to start a new E-commerce website or business. You can
find it at